Topic: Alpha update.
Testing is going extreamly well, been a lot less crashes than we expected, and a lot of bugs have been fixed in a very short space of time.
The test server will stay up for another day or two.
Angus and I have decided, since it's going so well, we're going to start preparing the host for the 2.0 clients and not Ares. The 2.0 client has all the WASD movement, dynaminc action bars, 1024*768 screen res etc. And more importantly, even more stable, and a much nicer look. Angus has already done a lot of work preparing this and there remains very few issues to overcome.
That means there will be another round of Closed alpha testing. After which open Alpha will begin.
A big thank you to our current testers, their time is greatly appreciated and withouth them, there would be a lot of bugs in the server