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Keep the dream alive, donate to help keep servers running!
Command | Description |
/1 | '/1 text' chats 'text' in channel 1. The frequency of that channel must be set to do this. |
/2 | '/2 text' chats 'text' in channel 2. The frequency of that channel must be set to do this. |
/a | '/a text' chats 'text' in auction channel. Auction channel must be enabled to use this command. |
/about | '/about' shows about window. |
/accept | '/accept' accepts clan invitation. |
/afk | '/afk' switches you from/to afk mode. |
/anon | '/anon' switches you from/to anonymous mode. |
/artifacts | '/artifacts' tells you where the artifacts are located. |
/ask | '/ask' asks ship computer about players, stellar objects, actions, psions and manuevers. |
/asset | '/asset A B C' sample help for command '/asset' with param 'A', 'B' and 'C'. |
/attack | '/attack' attacks selected target. |
/bases | '/bases' tells you the status of clan bases. |
/bonk | '/bonk' bonks selected player. |
/bookmark /bm | '/bookmark [action]' performs an 'action' for bookmark program. If 'action' is not a valid keyword, it will be used as: /bookmark nav 'action' Possible actions are: 'del', 'get', 'list', 'nav' and 'set'. '/bookmark del [name]' deletes a bookmark called 'name'. '/bookmark get [name]' shows the coordinates of a bookmark called 'name'. '/bookmark list' shows all stored bookmarks. '/bookmark loc [name]' sets current coordinates to bookmark called 'name'. '/bookmark nav [name]' Sends coordinates of bookmark 'name' to ship computer. '/bookmark set [x] [y] [name]' sets coordinates 'x' and 'y' to bookmark called 'name'. If the bookmark does already exist, it will be overwritten. |
/bounty | '/bounty player value' sets bounty 'value' on 'player'. Bounty prices begin with 2k0. |
/break | '/break' breaks attack focus on target. |
/browser /browse /url | '/browser URL' opens URL in your default browser. If URL wont start with 'http', it will automatically add 'http://'. |
/bsp | BSP = Background space parallax system. '/bsp info' Shows info about current status of BSP system. '/bsp init' Initializes (reloads) BSP system. '/bsp matrix' Shows BSP matrix as tile number grid. '/bsp x [num]' Shows or sets BSP matrix extra size for X axis. '/bsp y [num]' Shows or sets BSP matrix extra size for Y axis. '/bsp xy [num]' Shows or sets BSP matrix extra size for X and Y axis. |
/bug | The use of '/bug' is no longer recommended! Use '/report bug' instead! |
/buy | '/buy' buys from a selected target. |
/c | '/c text' chats 'text' in clan channel. Only members of a clan can do this. |
/calc | '/calc [equation|operator|operators] [angle]' to calculate an 'equation', displaying details of operator 'operator' or showing a list of supported operators. Possible 'operators' values are: op, operator, operators, ops, stx, syn and syntax. Supported angles: deg and rad. Technical details: This is possible through RPN ( |
/calcweapon /calcweap | '/calcweapon [damage] [delay] [plus]' calculates useful weapon stats like level and DPS. All values must be numbers greater zero, or it will end in an error. Plus is optional, 0 by default and must be between 1 and 9 when used. Remember that you can only calculate plus correctly when the input data is based on plus 0. Most of the code of that command were originally designed by 'dracconz'. More details about this, type: /forum post 8874 |
/cancel | '/cancel' cancels a trade. |
/cast | '/cast name' triggers an psion or manuever called 'name' on selected target. |
/chan /auction /shout | '/chan [channel] [on|off]' turns 'channel' on/off. Possible channels are: auction, bounty, cast, connect, help, shout '/auction channel [on|off]' turns auction channel on/off. '/shout channel [on|off]' turns shout channel on/off. |
/changeclass | '/changeclass PWD PWD' allows you to tier up by specifying your password twice. Your level and your distributable stat points will be reset. To do this you must be at least level 80. |
/changepassword | '/changepassword NEW NEW OLD' will change your 'OLD' password to 'NEW' password. The change will be applied on next player backup from server. |
/chatfilter /chat | '/chatfilter [on|off]' toggles chat filter on/off. |
/chuck /norris /hulk | '/chuck [first name] [last name]' Outputs a random Chuck Norris joke. When passing parameters you can replace Chuck Norris with another name. '/chuck [number]' Outputs Chuck Norris joke #'number'. Great thx to |
/clan | '/clan' shows clan details like leader name, member count, base timer and artifact bonuses. |
/clancreate | '/clancreate TAG' creates a new clan with clan tag 'TAG'. You need to be at least level 10 to do this. |
/clandemote | '/clandemote player' demotes 'player' in clan to a lower rank. You need to be clan leader to do this. |
/clandrop | '/clandrop player' drops 'player' out of clan. You need to have at least a clan rank that is higher than lieutenant to do this. |
/claninvite | '/claninvite player' invites 'player' to clan. You need to have at least a clan rank that is higher than lieutenant to do this. |
/clanleader | '/clanleader player' promotes 'player' to the clan leader. You need to be clan leader to do this. |
/clanlist | '/clanlist' returns a list of clan members that are currently online. |
/clanlongname | '/clanlongname name' sets the current clan name to 'name'. |
/clanpromote | '/clanpromote player' promotes 'player' in clan to a higher rank. You need to have at least the clan officer rank to do this. |
/clanremove | '/clanremove' removes your character from clan. |
/clanres | '/clanres' shows clan resources like origin and artifact positions. |
/clanreturn | '/clanreturn' teleports you to the clan base. You must be clan member and your clan must own a clan base. |
/clearportrait | '/clearportrait' resets your character portrait. You need to restart the game, to select a new character portrait. |
/clientlog | '/clientlog' turns client message logging on/off. This is only useful for debugging purposes! |
/computer | '/computer' toggles ship panels. |
/countdown /cd | '/countdown [seconds] [done]' does a countdown for 'seconds' and shows 'done' after finish. The parameter 'seconds' must be a number between 3 and 20. Default: 3 The parameter 'done' will be 'GO!' by default. |
/damagetext /damage | '/damagetext [on|off]' turns damage text on/off. '/damage text [on|off]' turns damage text on/off. |
/date | '/date' shows current date. |
/ddate | '/ddate [day] [month] [year]' shows the current discordian date or the discordian date of 'day', 'month' and 'year'. |
/decline | '/decline' declines clan invitation. |
/detailed | '/detailed scan' performs a detailed scan on target. |
/disband | '/disband' leaves current group or declines a group invitation. |
/distress /hardship /trouble /despair /pain | '/distress' sends a distress beacon with a range of 1 quadrant. |
/donate /donation | '/donate' opens paypal donation page. Keep the dream alive, donate to help keep servers running! |
/dropbuf | '/dropbuf name' drops buf 'name' from your active buf list. |
/ds | '/ds' performs a detailed scan on target. |
/editor | '/editor item' opens item editor to create a new item.'/editor item ID' opens item editor to edit or create item #'ID'. '/editor item import ID' opens item editor to import from file item.'ID'.txt. '/editor item import combined LINE' opens item editor to import from items.txt at line 'LINE'. 'LINE' begins with 0 and is set to 1 by default, because line 0 is always the headline comment. |
/em | '/em text' chats 'text' in third person. |
/examine | '/examine' examines selected target. |
/exit /quit | '/exit [force]' opens quit window. With 'force', the client will close immediately. |
/export | '/export [html|json|text]' exports all commands to html/json/text. '/export json [nice|compact]' exports all commands to json with formatting option. By default the formatting will be 'nice'. |
/f | '/f text' chats 'text' in faction channel. Faction channel must be enabled to use this command. |
/fabricate | '/fabricate' opens fabricate window. |
/filter | '/filter disable|d filterName' disables the filter called 'filterName' (case sensitive). '/filter disabled|ld' lists all chat filters that are disabled. '/filter enable|e filterName' enables the filter called 'filterName' (case sensitive). '/filter enabled|le' lists all chat filters that are enabled. '/filter list|l' lists all chat filters. '/filter reload|r' reloads all chat filters. |
/fix | '/fix' does nothing. |
/flyingdamage /flying | '/flyingdamage [on|off]' toggles flying damage on/off. '/flying damage [on|off]' toggles flying damage on/off. |
/follow | '/follow' follows selected target. (Only group members) |
/forum | '/forum' opens forum in your default browser. '/forum [ID]' opens forum topic by given ID in your default browser. '/forum [cat|category|forum]|post|topic] [ID]' opens (cat/category/forum)/post/topic by given ID in your default browser. '/forum hsr [commands|download|faq|galaxymap|interface|news|register|status|team]' opens HSR related page on forum in your default browser. You may need to log in to the forum. |
/g | '/g text' chats 'text' in group channel. You need to be in a group to do this. |
/gather | '/gather [planetology]' gathers planetology from selected target. |
/gdate | '/gdate' shows current gregorian date. |
/google /search | '/google search' Uses Google-API to show first search result of 'search' expression. |
/group /add | '/group' invites selected player into group. |
/gstatus | '/gstatus' shows player status of group members. You need to be in a group to do this. |
/guard | '/guard' tells your summoned to guard the selected target. |
/gui | '/gui window [action]' Perform 'action' on 'window'. Possible actions are: show, showDialog and hide '/gui itemdbg' will spawn a random (but empty) item info window. |
/h | '/h text' chats 'text' in help channel. Help channel must be enabled to use this command. |
/heal | '/heal' heals selected target. |
#help #? | '#help [name]' displays list of commands or help text about command called 'name'. '/help [name]' displays list of commands or help text about command called 'name'. '!help [name]' displays list of commands or help text about command called 'name'. '$help [name]' displays list of commands or help text about command called 'name'. |
/helptips | '/helptips [on|off]' toggles help tips on/off. |
/http | '/http' is currently disabled. |
/hyperspace /hs | '/hyperspace' loads and launches your hyperspace drive to flex your current position in space with the zero point coordinates from cythris starbase. ^^ |
/ignore | '/ignore [player]' adds player to ignore list. |
/inventory | '/inventory' toggles ship panels and selects ship page. |
/item /i | '/item ID [anything]' shows an item info window by given ID. If you pass anything as second parameter, it will use the command response from server. |
/itemdestroy | '/itemdestroy' unlocks the ability to jettison an item. |
/kill | '/kill' tells your summoned to attack the selected target. When your summoned is selected, it will self destroy using this command. |
/launcher | '/launcher' controls autostart behavior. Use the following actions... '/launcher noskip' Client will no longer skip launcher on start. '/launcher select name' Selects character called 'name'. '/launcher selected' Returns selected character. '/launcher skip' Client will skip launcher on start. |
/level | '/level' lists all location(s) that are in range of your current level. '/level level' lists all location(s) that are in range of given 'level'. '/level stat' shows level database statistics (none red = all good). |
/list1 | '/list1' returns a list of members in channel 1. |
/list2 | '/list2' returns a list of members in channel 2. |
/listignore | '/listignore' lists all ignored players. |
/locker /locker1 /locker2 /locker3 /locker4 | '/locker [1,2,3,4,5]' opens locker with optional page number. '/locker1' opens locker page 2. '/locker2' opens locker page 3. '/locker3' opens locker page 4. '/locker4' opens locker page 5. |
/locker1 | '/locker1' opens locker page 2. |
/locker2 | '/locker2' opens locker page 3. |
/locker3 | '/locker3' opens locker page 4. |
/locker4 | '/locker4' opens locker page 5. |
/look | '/look' shows your current position and the positions of players in the same quadrant. |
/m | '/m' mines from current target. |
/man | '/man name' triggers an psion or manuever called 'name' on selected target. |
/map | '/map' shows/hides galaxy map. |
/mine | '/mine [minerals|asteroid]' mines from current target. |
/modding /mod /mods | '/modding' shows current modding status. '/modding on' turns modding on. '/modding off' turns modding off. '/modding open' opens modding folder. |
/music | '/music' shows current status of music. '/music auto [on|off]' toggles music controlling by game on/off. (Default: on) '/music list' lists all loaded music tracks. '/music off' turns music playback off. '/music on' turns music playback on. '/music pause' pauses current music track. '/music play' plays randomly selected track or resumes paused track. '/music play index' plays music track index 'index'. '/music play name' plays music track called 'name'. '/music stop' stops current music track. '/music volume num' sets music volume to 'num'. 'num' must be between 0 and 100. |
/nav | '/nav loc' navigates to center position of first beginning 'loc' text found in database. '/nav name' navigates to position of 'name' as defined by /bookmark command. '/nav x y' navigates to position of 'x' and 'y'. Coordinates must be in between 0 and 8160. When coordinates are in between 0 and 31 it will translate from quad coordinates. |
/next | '/next' selects next target. |
/nexthostile | '/nexthostile' selects next enemy target. Holding shift while executing this command also selects friendly targets. |
/options | '/options' shows options window. |
/planetary | '/planetary survey' performs a detailed scan on target. |
/position /pos | '/position' shows your current position. |
#pow | '#pow' does a random explosion for debugging purposes. |
/powerall | '/powerall' turns your ship systems online. |
/psi | '/psi' returns a list of all your learnable psions and manuevers. |
/pvp | '/pvp' returns a list of players that also have pvp turned on. |
/pvpoff | '/pvpoff' turns your pvp status on. You must be in a safe zone to change your pvp status. |
/pvpon | '/pvpon' turns your pvp status on. You must be in a safe zone to change your pvp status. |
/query | '/query' asks ship computer about players, stellar objects, actions, psions and manuevers. |
/quest | '/quest ID' shows details about the quest with ID #'ID'. |
/quests | '/quests' shows active quests. |
/quicktarget | '/quicktarget' turns quick target on/off. |
/r | '/r' replies to the last player that was chatting to you personally. |
/ramscoop | '/ramscoop' ramscoops from nebula clouds. |
/rand | '/rand [max] [player[ ...]]' randoms between 0 and 'max' for 'player(s)'. If 'max' is not specified, '1000' will be used. When no 'player(s)' is/are specified, this will random for yourself. The ordering of 'player(s)' and 'max' doesnt matter. This command will be executed on server, it reduces the ability to cheat or imitate the randomizing. We recomment to use '!rand' from HELP instead, it has a better randomizing algorithm. |
/random | '/random [max] [player[ ...]]' randoms between 0 and 'max' for 'player(s)'. If 'max' is not specified, '1000' will be used. When no 'player(s)' is/are specified, this will random for yourself. The ordering of 'player(s)' and 'max' doesnt matter. This command will be executed on server, it reduces the ability to cheat or imitate the randomizing. We recomment to use '!random' from HELP instead, it has a better randomizing algorithm. |
/reload | '/reload' reloads area map. |
/remaining | '/remaining resets' tells you how often you can use /reset stats command again. |
/remove | '/remove player' removes 'player' from your group. You must be group leader to do this. |
/rename | '/rename' renames your ship. Ship name must be between 4 and 15 characters long. Renaming the ship costs 1k0. |
/repair | '/repair' does nothing. |
/reply | '/reply' replies to the last player that was chatting to you personally. |
/report | '/report [type] [message]' Report a(n) 'type' to HSR ingame reports forum. Possible types are: bug, cheat, feature, improvement, multilog, rules, scam, spam, task |
/reports | '/reports' opens ingame reports forum in your default browser. You may need to log in to the forum. |
/reqtiles | '/reqtiles' resends map data from server to client. |
/request /req /q | '/request text' sends the message 'text' to server admin(s). All admins that are currently online will receive that message. The message will also stored in a log file, for the case that no admin is online. |
/reset | '/reset stats' resets all you assigned stat points. This command only works up to 10 times per character. |
/rest /recover | '/rest' shutdowns all systems to recover ship. |
/restart | '/restart' restarts client. |
/ri | '/ri' resets your current instances. As member of a group, you must be group leader to do this. |
/rnd | '/rnd [max] [player[ ...]]' randoms between 0 and 'max' for 'player(s)'. If 'max' is not specified, '1000' will be used. When no 'player(s)' is/are specified, this will random for yourself. The ordering of 'player(s)' and 'max' doesnt matter. This command will be executed on server, it reduces the ability to cheat or imitate the randomizing. We recomment to use '!rnd' from HELP instead, it has a better randomizing algorithm. |
/s | '/s text' chats 'text' in shout channel. Shout channel must be enabled to use this command. |
/saveconfig /sc | '/saveconfig' saves configuration. |
/screenshot | '/screenshot' does a screenshot in PNG format. Screenshots are saved @ D:\GAMES\HostileSpace Revived\Screenshots |
/sell | '/sell' sells to a selected target. |
/set1 | '/set1 name' sets frequency of channel 1 to 'name'. |
/set2 | '/set2 name' sets frequency of channel 2 to 'name'. |
/shipdetection /ship | '/shipdetection [on|off]' turns ship detection (scanner) on/off. '/ship detection [on|off]' turns ship detection (scanner) on/off. |
/shop /armory /paint /shipyard /storage | '/shop [armory|paint|shipyard|storage]' opens armory/paint/shipyard/storage window??? '/armory' opens armory window??? '/paint shop' opens paint shop window??? '/shipyard' opens shipyard window??? '/storage depot'opens storage depot window??? |
/shout | '/shout text' chats 'text' in shout channel. Shout channel must be enabled to use this command. |
/sound | '/sound [on|off]' toggles sound on/off. |
/stars | '/stars' shows how many stars can be drawn at the same time. '/stars num' configures client to draw up to 'num' stars at the same time. Default setting is 4096. |
/status | '/status' shows your ship status. |
/stay | '/stay' tells your summoned to stop and stay at current position. |
/suggest | '/suggest' any command randomly, through showing the command help. |
/sync | '/sync' forces resynchronization with server. |
/t | '/t player text' tells 'text' to 'player'. |
/tell | '/tell player text' tells 'text' to 'player'. |
/time | '/time' shows current time. |
/top | '/top' does nothing. |
/trade | '/trade' trade with selected target. |
/transfer | '/transfer' transfers anything? |
/unignore | '/unignore [player]' removes player from ignore list. |
/update | '/update' forces running an update. Client may restart! |
/voice /teamspeak /teamspeak3 /ts /ts3 | '/voice' connects to official HostileSpace Revived Teamspeak3. '/voice channel' connects to sub channel 'channel'. Existing channels are: boss, ca, df, talk1, talk2 and talk3 |
/w1 | '/w1' triggers first weapon. No clue what this command currently does. |
/w2 | '/w2' triggers second weapon. No clue what this command currently does. |
/w3 | '/w3' triggers third weapon. No clue what this command currently does. |
/w4 | '/w4' triggers fourth weapon. No clue what this command currently does. |
/where | '/where' asks ship computer about players, stellar objects, actions, psions and manuevers. |
/who | '/who' returns a list of players that are currently online. |
/whogroup | '/whogroup' returns a list of players you can group with. |
/wizmap | '/wizmap' shows wizmap (only admins). |
/yoda /yodify /yodafy | '/yoda text' Converts 'text' to Yoda-Speak. Great thx to and |
/youtube /yt | '/youtube' opens youtube. '/youtube [ID]' opens youtube video by given 'ID'. |
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