Topic: Weapon Haste? Just maybe......
Work has started on a new item attribute, Haste.
I know when we first launcher this server, that we said Alpha didn't support weapon haste and it would never be implemented.
Well, Since we've become more experienced with the host, the way it works, and more importantly how to use ASM, Haste does seems quite possible. The recent work on implementing weapons that give skill bonuses such as Telepathy, Repair, Hide, etc gave us the experience and confidence we needed to seriously take a look at Haste.
So, Today we spent a good few hours going over what makes weapons tick, literally. We quickly found space for the new Haste stat, and wrote up some ASM that would calculte the weapons power up time with Haste. Working on the basis that the Haste stat represents a percentage decrease in speed, thus making weapons fire faster.
Preliminary testing does indeed look good. The host calculates Haste into the speed, and weapons do fire faster.
A few checks on when the weapon reaches Max power interfere with the calculations, and the power up gfx suddenly jump to full... This of-course will be looked into tomorrow and fixed.
Because if the interference of the checks, negative haste seems to not work yet, but, I'm sure when the above problem is fixed, this too will fix itself...
After the Host is ready, We will then look into sorting the code that reads items stat modifiers and the values, effectively making the host read haste and apply the value to the new offset where Haste is stored. Then editing /status to show Haste.
Once that is done, The client will also need patching to show Haste on items.
All in all, it's looking promising, and we hope to have Haste working mid week.