Rowspan wrote:im not so sure, once supa/angus change a certain amount of the game it no longer the original work of blitz, as long as they dont charge money for it, using software that checks process list for 3rd party software before logging in wouldnt break any laws
This wont be enaugh.
1. Do you know the process names of 3rd party software thats used?
2. This would be an endless fight, what happens when the bad guy just renames the process?
What we need is a real protection then, but as 3rd party software it would lagg the client. Also the reason why steams VAC and VAC2 is a bad idea, its to much consuming, example: i have to idle the steam process if i want to play, else the games are unplayable because keyboard and mouse is delayed more than a second (uuh what a nice protection). AND VAC is not made to protect any games, its made to protect GoldSrc/Source/Havov based games.
We need a protection directly included in the client. But not simply a deeplevel keyhook detection, it must be more...
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