Topic: Developments...

Some of you may be wondering where we've been.  Let me assure you, we're not intentionally neglecting you.

The client is taking all our spare time, coupled with work and of course other life commitments.

Angus and I are making good progress, and we should have some screenshots of the progress by the weekend, or maybe video footage.....

As regards to the host, we ate aware of a few issues that we will fix for tomorrow, those being Defense Fortress spawn, resistance, and we recent;y discovered a possible cause of the "face target" issue that should drastically reduce the occurrence.

If there are any other major issues, please make sure we am aware of them and post here.

Re: Developments...

I am greatly happy that resistance issues is being looked at. Thank you!

Re: Developments...

About the client should i bother modeling all the other ships?
Not goanna bother making them if they wont be used

Harviousify - Manipulater
Shadey - Pyro

Re: Developments...

The loot by group leader bug from mobs not just boss is active... Only group leader can pickup even keys....

Morpheus T0 Eng 75
Swindel     T6 Inf 75