Topic: r 165 new fabrication system

Ammunition warning will now only be announced when you have a target.
Mob flying damage fixed.
Bug in Viable target fixed.
Fabrication system fully implemented.
Reduced the variation in stat parts, will increase chances of finding duplicates.
Enchant will now announce the stone used if it fails.
Protection added to stop stat parts dropping with a value way over the mobs level. (eg lvl 12 items dropping from lvl 2 mobs)
Fixed using any conduit for level 0 weapons.
New quest added. (Mobs will try to raid an outpost, protect the Defense Nexus at all costs).
Uncloaking smugglers fixed. (sensors vs hide based)
Vector 5 and other parts now more likely to drop.
Weaken fixed.
Fixed bug with low level T0 groups.
Fixed psi being obtained when interrupted.
Probably other smaller changes I can't remember....

Thanks to those that have tested, the fab system has been a long time in the making.... Let's just hope it's worth it.