Topic: Closed Alpha testing....

Our reverse engineered server is coming very close to it's first round of testing.

We are asking for each clan to put forward 2 players.

These players must be willing to report as many bugs as they find, as soon as they find them, with as much detail as possible... and trust me, there will be a lot..... tongue

They must expect the server to hang many times as exceptions are caught and we endevour to fix them asap.

This is the first stage of the new server going live, none of your actions on this serevr will be saved.

We hope to test for a few days to get rid of the major issues. Then we plan open the test server to everyone for a few weeks.  Again, nothing will be saved during this period.

FULL wiz wil be given to all participants........


Re: Closed Alpha testing....

Eriti Segased Tüübid will lend you Tussupatrull.

Re: Closed Alpha testing....

I'll help with some bug killing. epoch veil member(draccon)

Draccon T9 Pryo (pew pew)
Paragonx T9 ENG (fabber 89 Wep,93 Sys)
Blacksmith T9 TKR (Need an Aug? Yank?)

Re: Closed Alpha testing....

Since Magic and Dominator arent here i'll put forward Mothra and Blingx. both have good patience, and a good uinderstanding of the game and i think will give good solid feedback.

Rowspan T9 lvl 75    Biggles T0 lvl 65
Colspan T5 lvl 12
Welder T0 lvl 75
Loyal To The Royal!

Re: Closed Alpha testing....

Those interested, please email me at So I can email the files you need.


Re: Closed Alpha testing....

Do i need to email you too?

Amethyst        T0    Pyr     30
Cisco                T4    Sco    90
Delphi              T1    Eng    21
Neuropath      T0    Tel     10

Re: Closed Alpha testing....

Nah I have your email cisco.....

I need all emails asap please guys, so we can get some testing done, hopefully on friday.