Yeah, I'm not going to lie, the clan function isn't as useful as it used to be. That said, TEF is a group focused around running bosses and promoting player growth. Besides, major factions that have since died sported a similar tag to mine. Consider this the next iteration.
Join TEF today!
No level or experience requirements
All Players Welcome


(9 replies, posted in News)

His birthday was July 8, 1964.

Again thank you guys for the condolences, i know its been a year since i replied, but its been one long year, one thing after another. Tomorrow is his one year anniversary (if thats how it would be named, not looking into it) so its gonna be rough, Thank you all for the support. I only hope that in the days to come i can fit his shoes as best as possible.

aka Cody


(2 replies, posted in Guides)

Recycled trit + Silver.      (1:1 ratio)


(9 replies, posted in News)

Thanks for the condolences guys... Thumper enjoyed his current hull for Blackened. If his hull was recreated or remastering or whatever you guys do... Make sure to name it Thumper


(9 replies, posted in News)

All of the originals... This is urgent news.

My father that u know as Blackened has just passed. He sadly died of a heart attack