(4 replies, posted in News)

Tiered psi classes no longer receive bonus offense for tactics.
Disrupt now adds aggro to target.
Obfuscate fixed, bad psion type.....
When buffing, the strongest psion will now override a weaker psion, regardless of the level of psion.
Increased cargo capacity.
Stun and disabled timers cleared upon death.
Players in the same freq as a cloaking smuggler should no longer loose their scan.
Casting while delay timer is active will now cost psi/pwr.
Blur now adds 40% haste, but at an increased power cost.
Provoke now adds damage aggro.
Experience is now shared with members within a certain range.


(5 replies, posted in News)

Adjusted /rest rates.
Another attempt to fix group loot bug.
Adjusted Might and Inferno.
Stun should no longer effect dead players.
De-buffing a target when not in combat will now cause it to attack player.
Jam sensors is now more effective.


(16 replies, posted in News)

restart script is fine, if we don't want to find out how it crashed in the first place.  Host is running under a debugger wink

Anyways, it's up now, I bugged the data sent to client regarding groups....


(16 replies, posted in News)

Mobs that acquire a target whilst moving, will now move towards their target.
Loot should now be leader pick only and not player that got kill.
The above rules only apply to boss loot, normal mobs should be lootable by any member of the group.
F1 to F5 keys should now work correctly.
Quest items should now be able to be picked up by any group member.
Remove effect cast delay reduced.
Time between recharge ticks reduced.
crew regen, psi regen and power regen effectiveness increased.
Fixed a bug that made hull regen was being applied twice!!
Being flagged for pvp will now result in half regens.
The above change may be reversed, since Hull Regen was bugged...
Defense nexus attackers should no longer move if stunned or disabled.
Tactical strike and "the shakes" will no longer damage an obfuscated taregt.
Provoke will now do damage.
smugs now do 50% more ambush damage versus a boss if behind them.
New Psion for Telepaths, Disrupt, removes any positive buf the target has, high psi cost, cannot be resisted.


(3 replies, posted in News)

Provoke enhanced.
Bosses now have a new attack.
Only group leaders may move/pick the groups loot.
Psionic attacks will no longer harm an Obfuscated Smuggler.


(13 replies, posted in News)

Server up.  ISP maintenance  knocked out the host, rebooted now.  Sorry guys, we've both been real busy.


(13 replies, posted in News)

Every time...

Decide not to check up on server and something happens to it...

I can't tell you if it's crashed, since I cant connect to it to reboot it.

I assume Angus has an email, but since he's been so busy lately, and I have not been on the past few days, it's not been made public.


(2 replies, posted in News)

Hmm strange, will try it another way, have updated again....


(14 replies, posted in News)

Bah, working on it... left a -O2 switch on.... my bad


(14 replies, posted in News)



(14 replies, posted in News)

I think the issue lies with the fact  that I've compiled the host on a later version of Ubuntu that the server is running......


(14 replies, posted in News)

It's throwing a fit due to dependencies, working on it...


(2 replies, posted in News)

Reduced occurrence of the "face target" bug.
Initial resist rate lowered.
Psi resistance effectiveness lowered.
Above changes effect both mobs and players.
Defense fortress respawn adjusted.


(3 replies, posted in News)

Some of you may be wondering where we've been.  Let me assure you, we're not intentionally neglecting you.

The client is taking all our spare time, coupled with work and of course other life commitments.

Angus and I are making good progress, and we should have some screenshots of the progress by the weekend, or maybe video footage.....

As regards to the host, we ate aware of a few issues that we will fix for tomorrow, those being Defense Fortress spawn, resistance, and we recent;y discovered a possible cause of the "face target" issue that should drastically reduce the occurrence.

If there are any other major issues, please make sure we am aware of them and post here.


(75 replies, posted in News)

Got to love how some ppl think this is the final product...

These screenshots are the state of the client in it's first 2 weeks of development.  I doubt it will look similar by the time we get to closed testing....


(75 replies, posted in News)

Umm, basically just gonna use what we can for now.  Eventually would like to have all our own models.

As regards to Spider hulls, that is going to be an interesting pursuit.......


(75 replies, posted in News)

Baphomet wrote:

Honestly I don't like it. The old one has a much better feel to it.

Aye, for the hardcore players, it may not "feel" the same.  But for the good of the game, we can't continue with 15 year old code....


(75 replies, posted in News)

SB Entrance Before......





(2 replies, posted in News)

impede and hyperspace fixed


(2 replies, posted in News)

Repair now levels correctly.
Weapon charge indication on client fixed. (Weapons of the same ID would share a charge)
This involved sending extra packet data, and patching the client to deal with the extra info.
Removed tech skill requirements for downtime of items.
Lowered hyperspace power requirement.
Quest mob lifespan lowered.
Attacking Defence nexus mobs no longer fly off when they reach thier target.
Quests will no longer overlap, deleting the previous quest.
Impede now given to smugs at a much lower level.
Raised level cap on boss' entity.
Jam sensors now more effective.
Jam sensors range increased.


(11 replies, posted in News)

As Angus stated, all of Interadventures' Intellectual property we are not allowed to use.  This basically means the client and any images that they have claim to.  I am aware that some of the tiles were obtained via 3rd parties and believe a separate license governs these.  And if we wanted to get picky, I'm not 100% sure IA should of been using them for profit in the first place.

What this basically means, is that  all names of items/objects in the game are safe,  The client and the name Hostilespace is not smile


(11 replies, posted in News)

As many of you may know, We have been talking about making a new client.

We have used some very bad clients in the past. We did start patching the serversoft but the fight it put up and the time required to upgrade the networking, and then deal with all the new issues the 2.0 client had would of been a wasted journey. So we threw together a new host that would mimic the original and, therefore  be able to communicate with the 2.0 client.

Thing is, as great as that was, the software simply wasn't built for today's machines in mind and it is still unstable on many machines.  Granted, the stability compared to our first client release is a lot better, it simply isn't good enough.

Let me explain a bit first.  A lot of the attraction to HS is the retro-indie feel it has.  The quirky ships, basic GUI, and we intend to keep as much of this as possible.  Going full 3D, is not only a logistical nightmare for such a small development team, but we feel HS would simply loose it's appeal.  Client stability, and "eye candy" is the goal.  With a 3D engine behind us, lighting, particles, explosions, weapon fire, customizable GUI skins. it will also support a physics engine....  I dunno about you guys but seeing your weapons cause gaping holes in your enemies hull and watching the debris bounce off your own hull, has quite an appeal....

So, Angus has been hard at work getting to grips with the 3D engine.  Having only spent a matter of days on it, he has already manged to get the new client communicating with the host, and basic ship movement is already in place.  That alone is quite a huge step.

A new chapter is forming, and with it, some decisions will need to be made......

We will own both the client and host, outright.  This also means we can push forward with advertising.  However, due to a past incident, we will not be legally allowed to carry on with the Hostilespace name or any of the Interadventure  property.  This means we will have to rename Hostilespace, and sadly leave it to rest.  No this does not mean a wipe tongue.  Some suggestions of name would be nice wink.


(2 replies, posted in News)

Angus wrote:

P.S. My fault.

I was only joking?? lol


(1 replies, posted in News)

Psi and Power are now used if the target resists a curse.
No longer gain skill until a psion or maneuver is used correctly.
Safe zones fixed.
System/weapon cool down timers adjusted to client timings.


(2 replies, posted in News)

Aye I see the issues, have fixed the following for update later... :-

Psi and Power are now used if the target resists a curse.
No longer gain skill untill a psion or manuever is used correctly.