Topic: Client r 520-537 changes
Fixed a possible crash with dynamically generated windows by ingame launcher.
Refactored crash error message box (some crashes will allow you to restart game).
Added code for new tileset management system (not in use yet).
Ported sound loading code to new asset system.
Ported shader loading code to new asset system (Shaders can be modded too now).
Ported graphics loading code to new asset system.
Fixed bugs that happened when galaxy map is open.
Added ability to turn on/off modding on asset system.
Fixed a possible case where Update.exe.patch wont get renamed to Update.exe.
Added missing text to report command.
Added code to inspect config file wipe bug.
Cisco T4 Sco 90
Delphi T1 Eng 21
Neuropath T0 Tel 10