Topic: Client r 416-430 changes
Fixed a bug where SHIFT+Q caused an exit without opening quit confirm window.
Debug chat commands will no longer appear in chat help list.
Chat commands for HELP will now be forwared directly to HELP (Avoids spam in LOCAL chat).
Added asynchronous chat command "/calc".
Fixed a crash when chat command input is empty.
Updated /calc command to support new chat interface.
Added /chuck command.
Added /date and /ddate command.
Added /google command.
Added /browser, /forum, /gdate, /http, /reports, /suggest, /time and /yoda command.
Added server command help support to /about, /extern, /help and /suggest command.
Added ability to receive a specific joke for /chuck command.
Added /suggest execution to help tips.
Changed text color of /suggest and /help command.
Added /distress (to support old /help) and /request command (chat to admin channel) support.
Added help data support for serverside dollar and slash commands.
Added help data for all server side slash commands.
Improved help text for /chan command.
Command /export now supports serverside commands.
Command /suggest now supports selecting random help text of serverside slash commands.
Added /countdown command.
Added mining sound.
Added launcher startup sound.
Fixed a bug for crashdump file naming, where numbers below 10 didnt had a leading zero.
Code tidy up.
Cisco T4 Sco 90
Delphi T1 Eng 21
Neuropath T0 Tel 10