Supanova wrote:
Mauddib wrote:

DEX - "Reduces damage from mobs." - I dont remember if I tested this in beta or 2.0 but increased defense primarily reduced the chance to be hit, not damage taken. I can't find my original testing notes but if it reduced damage taken it was not a significant amount.

Dex does indeed reduce damage, not 100% sure the eaxact mitgation amount, but all stats were tested one by on by setting them to 100. A realistic amount....... I was quite surprised to find it mitigates as much as it does tbh.

That is good to hear that it actually has some effectiveness.  Knowing a ratio between defense and supposed SA mitigation would be good.

Supanova wrote:
Mauddib wrote:

INT never increased psi regen , only max psi.

It's not a great deal, (about 1 extra psi per tick every 4 INT) but psi regen does increase.

Good to know for the psi classes. I had not seen a psi rgn increase in 2.0 even with having max stats so it might have been removed in 2.0.

DeathZero wrote:

Also, I dont think str does hull as it is now. I've not gotten any increased hull from raising str.

It does, I saw have seen a 1 hull increase with ever str that I have raised (yeah, it isn't an impressive amount).

Maybe things were/are different in alpha but from my testing in beta/2.0:

INT never increased psi regen , only max psi.

STR increases hull - 1 str = 1 hull (this is also true now).
      Increased chance to interrupt casts/maneuvers (mainly useful in pvp)

DEX - "Reduces damage from mobs." - I dont remember if I tested this in beta or 2.0 but increased defense primarily reduced the chance to be hit, not damage taken. I can't find my original testing notes but if it reduced damage taken it was not a significant amount.


(18 replies, posted in News)

DeathZero wrote:
Lamorak wrote:

OK I still cant get in lol. The place I had originally saved my HS files I chose as the directory for the update. It asked if I wanted to overwrite the files, I pressed yes to all. Now I cant get anything to launch and I get an unhandled exception any time I try to do anything in the launcher.

I'm thinking maybe I should just delete it all and download the files fresh?

When you get the exception, does it give you an option to continue? If so, click it and the launcher should come up. Sounds like your getting the same thing I was. the 3rd server, which handles the news feed on the launcher and whatnot was down earlier. Still could be. This was causing my issue.

If the problem is just with the launcher, just press Continue as DeathZero said here.  This is just a problem connecting to the news server and someone didn't use a try catch{} block *tisk tisk!*.

If you want to avoid having to go through all that, once you have run the launcher once and successfully loaded the game you can just run hsclient.exe directly (if you are not switching characters) to avoid the launcher altogether since your information is already saved.