(15 replies, posted in News)

Can we add missiles and fuel to planets? it's quite taxing and unefficent for leveling if you have to go back to sb for fuel and missiles when out. i mean even TX missiles and plut would work for me.


(13 replies, posted in News)

please put in more psi gear pleeeeease!


(13 replies, posted in News)

i think that you should add the amp/armor kits for a better variant of weapons and yea i agree that we should keep unknown


(21 replies, posted in News)

Aquarius wrote:

Theres been about 10 people that i know macro and been told by at least 4 or 5. Macro is bad like any other bot, but blitz allowed only that one bot in his game. Its understandle that  you put a ban on them tho.

yea i had a friend take a look at the other potentials for botting b4 revived. if he tried to lock his hull it would lock the mob hulls. macro farming screwed me outta several plates back in 2.0