(5 replies, posted in News)

Ok no problem.  I was just curious if it was an easy solution.  If it requires major rewriting I don't think it's that important.  I'm sure we will all just get used to whichever way you decide to sort it.

Great job on all of the design and help tooltips guys.  It all looks really good.


(5 replies, posted in News)

Is there any chance the psion list could be sorted by skill first then alphabetically?  Maybe it would just take some getting used to, but at T9 high lvl the list of psions is quite large, and hard to sort through when it's only sorted alphabetically.

It is possible to have a function where clicking the column header (action/skill/cost) would sort based on the column clicked?

I think all fabs it is used for should be listed, and you should put the level required for the item fab. Having "XXXX is used for Unknown" I think is a bit pointless because the question will just be answered on /s, making it just more of a hassle than a mystery. Same thing as not having the /psi listing unknowns if you aren't that level yet.


(8 replies, posted in News)

I can't log in right either. I was just creating a new char to see if that was the problem.