(41 replies, posted in News)

Just thinking about additional hooks and functions that may be useful from lua,
I don't know if mobs/players draw from the same base class, or are completely separate behind the scenes, so where I mention entity I mean for both.

entity_attack_target (entityId) (returns target entity for that entity)
player_select_target(playerId) (returns currently selected target)
entity_buffs (as table, buffs/debuffs, possibly multi dim table for buff stats)
buff_cancel(entityId,buffName) (cancels buff)
buff_time(entityId,buffName) (returns remaining buff time)
buff_level(entityId,buffName) (returns buff level)
entity_buff(entityId, buffname, level, time?)

entity_health_hook(entityId, health%)

mob_attackers(table of attackers)
list_players(search radius, as table)

mob_equipment(mobId, slot, operation (add, remove, disable),item Id or time)
This one could be particularly useful, allows dynamic adding/removing/damaging equipment for mobs.
Could be used to make bosses a bit more dynamic, or add interesting behavior to mobs.
If I remember right with HS back in the day you could give mobs equipment in their definitions, which can make for a variety of unique mobs (eg tons of shields, tons of def/off/armour/hull, even negative stat equipment).


(41 replies, posted in News)

I'm not seeing any documentation on mob control, just wondering if there are lua hooks for forcing mobs to perform actions?

eg get mob by id/name -> force nav it to a certain position, or force attack on (id), adjust alliance/aggression etc?
Also hooks for mobs similar to the player hooks would be tremendously useful.

I noticed with the starbase defence quests that there does appear to be at least a little bit of control going on so any docs on this would be awesome.