(0 replies, posted in News)

Small recode to window manager to improve windows functionality. (could probably need a tidy up)
Stopped "click through" occurring.
Detailed item tooltip will now show the effects of equipping that item under the mouse.


(0 replies, posted in News)

Fixed aggro bars using wrong max total, causing them to spazz out.
Shop fix for selling due to bad text length.
Fixed self-elevation bug in HSRClient.exe.
Launcher.exe will now detect default installation directory and force client run as admin.


(0 replies, posted in News)

Report command now fully runs in its own thread.
Report command system details sharing can now be configured.
Added client environment info to report command.


(0 replies, posted in News)

Added macro and test code for testing explo image with psitek.
Added ability to execute testcode before launcher starts.
Added new "ingame report to forum" system.
Added threaded /report type text command with progress info.
Changed /update command to a threaded /update command.
Overwriting /bug command to force players using /report command.

More about ingame reports: README


(0 replies, posted in News)

Added ability that server can force all clients to run update.
Fixed a bug where server version was displayed wrong.
Added ability to parse Changelog.xml.
Added about window to split server changelog (a.k.a. Captain's log), to split client changelog, to show some program info and so on.
Added another text window to show client changelog.
Fixed few offset bugs on GuiLongTextWindow widget.
Removed game version info label from launcher and captains log.
Added about button to launcher window.
The [!] button on bottom left now opens about window.
Added ability to show tooltips on image.
Added ability to test code before launcher runs.
Improved logging configuration to allow more settings.
Added ability to turn off console logging.


(0 replies, posted in News)

Added new logging system.
Added logging settings to game configuration.
Replaced a lot of old logging code.


(0 replies, posted in News)

Added "/exit" command to instantly exit game.
Added "/launcher skip" command to skip launcher window on start.
Added "/launcher noskip" command to no longer skip launcher window on start.
Added "/launcher select charname" command to select "charname" as selected character on next start.
Added "/launcher selected" command to show currently selected character on launcher.
Added "/restart" command to instantly restart the game.
Added "/saveconfig" command to save game configuration data to file.
Added "/update" command to check and run update when local version is outdated.


(0 replies, posted in News)

Removed code that caused client to crash on resize or switching from/to fullscreen
Improved exit error message, that will restart game when pressing retry and closing the game when pressing cancel
Added ability to self-elevate after failed permission check


(0 replies, posted in News)

FInally its done: a full featured launcher integrated into client.

- One configuration file for everything.
- Game now checks for updates on start (but wont take longer than 5 seconds when api is down).
- Ability to skip integrated launcher (f.e. to use custom launcher).
- Importing old character data into integrated launcher (also imports passwords).
- Registering character on server from ingame launcher
- Adding existing character through just filling out the login fields (character gets added automatically after successfull login and game close).
- Server selection with server status
- Crash upload file functionality to support development (Button to upload appears if you had a crash)
- Restart button in quit window (very fast way to relog or changing character)
- Cleanup mechanism that deletes old stuff thats no longer used (it deletes f.e. the old launcher).
- Automatically running as admin if needed.
- Press retry on disconnect to directly restart the game.
- Prototype for GUI customization.
- New / commands (Thread)
- And a lot more fixes, changes and improvements...

This will simplify a lot on client development, one programm to login and play for now smile

Post bugs related to ingame launcher here.


(29 replies, posted in News)

Build #387:



(0 replies, posted in News)

Fully integrated game launcher into client.
Added some new GUI widgets that were needed.
Fixed crash that may happen on closing game.
Fully removed the need for launch.hs functionality.
Ability to switch button click behavior.
Added restart button to quit window (Windows only).
Fixed a huge amount of compiler warnings.
Fixed text input widget bugs.
Removed the need for Data/key.txt and Data/options.hs, this is now part of game configuration.
Added progress dialog for loading up ingame launcher.
Added ability to skip launcher window (uses lastusr, lastaddr and lastport from game configuration).
Added tooltip functionality to more GUI widgets.
Added detailed version info to launcher and captain's log window.
Also integrated crashdump upload into client.
Added latest libcurl.dll version (x86).
Added new splash image.
Added new objects image.


(29 replies, posted in News)

Build #382:

- Added customization ability to GuiWidget, GuiButton, GuiTextWidget, GuiWindow, GuiCheckboxWidget, GuiTextInputWidget, GuiPwdInputWidget, GuiSelectionWidget and GuiFieldsetContainer
- Fixed bug that made button text color readonly
- Fixed build number

Use download link from first post and be sure you have at least update version 120.


(29 replies, posted in News)

As an alternative you can also rightclick HSRClient.exe, checking Properties->Compatibility->Run as admin.

This should work including restarting the game without asking for permissions again (ShellExecute elevation).


(29 replies, posted in News)

Build #381:

- Removed destructor code from HSClient::GuiProgressDialog that caused crash
- Added threaded launcher states to launcher main loop
- Added skipLauncher setting to skip launcher window
- Fixed premature http request effect
- Added LAUNCHER_STATE_SKIP to skip launcher window through using lastaddr, lastport and lastuser
- Added tooltip functionality to GuiTextWidget, GuiTextInputWidget, GuiFieldsetContainer, GuiSelectionWidget
- Fixed title not showing in GuiLongTextWindow
- Added client version data
- Fixed cross platform directory separator in launcher code
- Fixed VERSION info to current version
- Added VERSION_TYPE info
- Added CLIENT_BUILD info
- Added version label with tooltip to launcher window
- Added tooltips to quit window
- Added tooltips to launcher and register window
- Fixed build number

Use download link from first post and be sure you have at least update version 120.


(29 replies, posted in News)

Reinstalling windows has nothing todo with libcurl.dll.

To get that file you update to official latest version (120) then you should have it. If you still dont have it then its mostly a crap solution of antivirus software, f.e. avast and avg. If it still shows an error but a different one then you may not have installed latest windows update and/or no visual redist package (microsoft).

Just checked it again, when i update, i get libcurl.dll.

What often helps because mostly windows UAC permissions are the reason:

1. Create a new folder with any name on desktop (i call it HSR).
2. Inside that folder, copy Update.exe and run it. This will update to a full client inside that folder.
3. libcurl.dll should be present (If not, turn off antivirus and try again from step 2)
4. Override client executable with preview client.
5. Start playing using old launcher or through directly starting client.


(29 replies, posted in News)

"libcurl.dll is missing from computer" happens when you didnt use the latest official client version. libcurl.dll is part of update 120.


(29 replies, posted in News)

Build #377:

- Added GUI progress dialog
- Splash image is now hidden while launcher is running
- Slightly changed background color while launcher is running
- Player portrait is now hidden while launcher is running
- Experience bar is now hidden while launcher is running
- Game key shortcuts no longer executing while launcher is running
- Added progress dialog to launcher loading batch
- Reorganized launcher gui execution code


(29 replies, posted in News)

Build #376:

- Added ability to import from old launcher's data.


(4 replies, posted in News)

Aww damn another building site i just forgot. When im done with launcher integration into client (and it runs well enough) i will port exactly this patcher to have him cross platform. The API for this patcher already supports cross platform operating system separation. So it just a recode smile


(29 replies, posted in News)

Build #371:

- Added launcher cleanup mechanism
- Fixed delayed text output in launcher


(29 replies, posted in News)


Added ability to register  new player on ingame launcher.
Some fixes on the text input widget.
Changed launcher window design.

Note: Download link is always updated to the latest version, look first post in this thread to download preview!


(29 replies, posted in News)


Almost finished, patch comming soon.

Download Preview (Build #382): http://test.cisco211.de/hsr/HSRClientLa … review.rar

(May require admin permissions on cant open file errors)

IMPORTANT: This only works since update 120, on older versions you will get a missing dll error!


(0 replies, posted in News)

Fixed up group Gui, and group arrays.
Large cleanup of unused vars, more to come, no functional changes.
Fixes to compile on Mac OS X.
Massive cleanup of unused crap throughout, expect conflicts.
Updates to accomodate for VS2010.
Latency bar fixed.
Network threads dieing or losing connection now triggers closure of client.
Client now 60FPS.
Massive warning cleanup for implicit conversions.
Fixed mouse properly.
Several animation timer fixes.
Fixed up several movement issues.
Auto nav fixed.
Non threaded client fixes.
Client version fixes.
Some gui repositioning.
Fragmentation handling.
Release mode now builds with XP compatibility.
Fixed a few bugs posed in forums.
Network running at 95% satisfaction.
More net tweaks.
Fixes for linux compile.
Mac specific fixes.
Fixed client when launching from java, solution is to redirect stdout and stderr. Why? no fucking clue, but it works so I'm leaving it that way.
Mac additions for message boxes and some logging.
Removed filter text as it seems to crash.
Ctrl key now needed to un equip items.
Fix for /r i (reset instance command).
Fix for mac compile, don't qualify inside class.
Temp fix for mac paths.
True item level now shown in item scan.
Added flashicon support (been sitting in folder for ages), HS icon will flash if window isn't focussed and receive a /t.
Added reset instance for Solo players.
Fixed player movement on death.
Prevent flooding of the console if music files don't exist.
Fix video options for mac, now resizes correctly when user changes in options panel.
Added AppKit framework.
Add icon to mac build.
Added true item level to fabrication windows.
Fix for windows OS login...
Fix for icon.
Aggro data now shown in client.
Fixed aggro bar reporting green.
Fixed key loading in OS X.
Fix float division by integer that won't compile on linux or OS X.
Fixed examine bug.
Using a larger range for client to request ship details.
Added HSRLauncher as an additional Project that can extend from HSRClient code.
HSRLauncher: Added easy to use INI class.
HSRLauncher: Low level type conversion.
HSRLauncher: Cross platform INI parser; Code tidy, fixes and so on.
HSRLauncher: Removed debug code on INI parser impl.
HSRLauncher: Added std::vector support to INI class, Refactoring.
HSRLauncher: Resolved std namespace.
Added INI Parsing for game settings.
Fixed issues with boolean type for INI parser used on game settings.
Fixed whitespace bug in INI class.
Added ignore and actions lists to INI config.
INI data will now be written on exit of game.
Small fix on ignore code.
Added crashdump setting which can be turned off/on in config file.
Added lastuser config option for launcher.
Client now remembers lastuser in per user config.
HSRLauncher: Added function to return a vector of section names in INI.
Moved launch procedure to INI configuration.
Added a "delta" timer to the client, so it will now sync much better with the host.
Added new dependency CURL.
Added HTTPClient.
Moved key settings to INI file.
Cody tidy up, fixes, ...


(1 replies, posted in Guides)

Before i joined coding on client we had a keys.txt file in data/ folder. Inside that file you were able to change key bindings to key actions defined by the game.

Since Update #120 you can now change the key settings in HSRClient.ini. On this post i will tell you what you have to type to configure it how you like...

As first the game has defined some actions where we can bind keys to. Inside brackets we have their default keys.

- Forward (W)
- ForwardAlternate (Up)
- Backward (S)
- BackwardAlternate (Down)
- Left (A)
- LeftAlternate (Left)
- Right (D)
- RightAlternate (Right)
- Target
- Strafe
- Action_1 (1)
- Action_2 (2)
- Action_3 (3)
- Action_4 (4)
- Action_5 (5)
- Action_6 (6)
- Action_7 (7)
- Action_8 (8)
- Action_9 (9)
- Action_10 (0)
- Action_11 (Numpad1)
- Action_12 (Numpad2)
- Action_13 (Numpad3)
- Action_14 (Numpad4)
- Action_15 (Numpad5)
- Action_16 (Numpad6)
- Action_17 (Numpad7)
- Action_18 (Numpad8)
- Action_19 (Numpad9)
- Action_20 (Numpad0)
- Open_chat (Return)
- Change_chat_height (Insert)
- Toggle_panel (Tab)
- SelectMe (F1)
- Select_group_member_1 (F2)
- Select_group_member_2 (F3)
- Select_group_member_3 (F4)
- Select_group_member_4 (F5)

You may have noticed some of them dont have default keys. Target and Strage cant be changed at all i think. Everything else can be changed.

Now a list of possible key settings:

- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
- X
- Y
- Z
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- Escape
- LControl
- LShift
- LAlt
- LSystem
- RControl
- RShift
- RAlt
- RSystem
- Menu
- LBracket
- RBracket
- SemiColon
- Comma
- Period
- Quote
- Slash
- BackSlash
- Tilde
- Equal
- Dash
- Space
- Return
- BackSpace
- Tab
- PageUp
- PageDown
- End
- Home
- Insert
- Delete
- Add
- Subtract
- Multiply
- Divide
- Left
- Right
- Up
- Down
- Numpad0
- Numpad1
- Numpad2
- Numpad3
- Numpad4
- Numpad5
- Numpad6
- Numpad7
- Numpad8
- Numpad9
- F1
- F2
- F3
- F4
- F5
- F6
- F7
- F8
- F9
- F10
- F11
- F12
- F13
- F14
- F15
- Pause

To change keys, simply open HSRClient.ini in any text editor while client is not running. Inside that file look for this section of configuration:


If that section isnt there, just copy this one here, its the default one.

There you simply add one of the possible keys to each key action you like. No key at all means, the action key is not assigned and cant be executed.  Important to know is that you cant combine more than one key on a key action.

Thats all you need to know atm.

EDIT1: Added Numpad keys.


(3 replies, posted in News)

OK sorted the incompatibility issues, the API and HELP will go online in next weekend as long there are no other problems.