(3 replies, posted in News)

i stand corrected, its  back up again for the time being.


(3 replies, posted in News)

and the verdict is...  roughly 7 hours til we can play again as Angus and Supa both went to bed approximately 30 seconds before the server crashed i think lol


(27 replies, posted in News)

bust, definately down, damnit there was like 3x still too sad


(27 replies, posted in News)

i'm gonna try reinstalling the old client see if it makes a difference, i'll tell ya if anything changes lol


(27 replies, posted in News)

yeah its probably gonna be down for awhile.  don't think Supa or Angus are around right now.


(27 replies, posted in News)

not liking this new client so far :S


(27 replies, posted in News)

yeah it seems that the new client isn't as ready as we'd hoped for?  or it could be due to the server being down still possibly? really not sure just taking random shots in the dark here


(6 replies, posted in News)

wait what do you mean bosses should be more challenging now, what exactly did you do to them :S