(1 replies, posted in Trading)

Reserved for future use smile


(6 replies, posted in News)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QD7m4lci … re=related while waiting big_smile


(1 replies, posted in News)

Anka chilling by drydock, Medusa Outpost.
Supa provokes Axminoloth.
Axminoloth summons Anka.

P.S.: Good job, now i wanna see how we figure out killing BBZ smile


(7 replies, posted in News)

Thank you thank you thank you smile
Now i can live again tongue You just made my day.


(5 replies, posted in News)

Dread laser ftw smile


(3 replies, posted in News)

Amen to that. Guess i'll do something else, see you tomorrow.


(27 replies, posted in News)

Now getting the same thing again... starts to be annoying hmm


(27 replies, posted in News)

Works now still no idea what happened.


(27 replies, posted in News)

Uninstalled old version, installed V2.
Start launcher, type user/pass, click start, all ok.
Then... game starts loading , after few lines suddenly crashes and it auto opens a new launcher.

So i sit here looking at 2 launchers, if i try to login on one of them, game crashes again before loading and another launcher pops up... 3 launchers now smile

Can't get into the game, any help ?


About STR , as others said, was increasing HULL and interrupt. Hence tanks using alot of STR to tank bosses, makes sense? Ank was almost full INT ( was a pyro ) so had loads of psi and psi regen, Beast was full STR so had loads of hull and interrupt.

Also INT was increasing the chances to + weps/armor. Used to have 75 INT before things went insane and you could go up to 200.