Just an update as to what's been going on behind the scenes.
As some of you may know, weapons (such as brood) were added a while back. When we added them we made sure that they contained the skill additions just like in 2.0. Meaning that the host reads and saves the weapons with the skills and amount to add attached.
That was fairly easy.
The past week We have been hard at work getting the host to read those skills and amounts and add them too your base skill amounts.
Fortunatley, finding the memory space for this was fairly simple.
Finding a way to constantly update the modified skill values when your base skills were changed was a little more tricky. But this is now done.
So the core work for weaponised skill additions is in place, the host now reads your base skill, reads the weapon and adds that amount into the new memory offset that contains your modified skill values.
The next step is to have the host read the new modified skill values, instead of the base values, everytime you cast.
We've got the host now reading the new values when casting. Seems to be working so far..... nice lvl 87 augment btw Oh and reps of around 475 with 4 skars
Next step is to find where skills such as beam, bolt, disser, etc and precision,dodge are used and have those areas read the modified skill values...
We are hoping to get a test server running sometime tonight to test the modifications. Hopefully there wont be too many problems
Anugs has been hard at work with charcter creation, will update the status on that as soon as we can..
Character Creation Status
Character management is coming along very well, even though it's taken longer than I originally anticipated. I hadn't thought it through properly when I started and so had to re-write some of it. I've got the hardest parts done; the method of actually importing the characters to the server during runtime, securing all the forms, and getting a solid user system going.
The first thing you'll all have to do when it is up and running is add your existing characters to your account (so, the ones that you already use). This part of the system has already been tested by a few, so at least we know that works!
Following this, you'll then be able to create new characters although deletion will not be available until I can work out a way of performing this safely while the server is running. There will be a delay of ~10-15 minutes after you fill out/submit the form to when you can use the character. I'll work on reducing this at a later date once I'm sure everything else is working smoothly.
The ETA for a testing release is later this week and for the public, if not next week, next weekend.