Discord Tutorial: Setup activity


1. Open Discord

Start Discord or open your currently running Discord and make sure the game (Hostile Space Revived Beta 0.5) is currently running.

2. Open User Settings

Open the User Settings. You can find the User Settings button (Gear symbol) at the bottom left side of your screen.


3. Click Registered Games

On the left side, scroll down to the Activity Settings section and click on Registered Games.


4. Click Add it!

Click on the light blue Add it! text.


5. Choose Hostile Space Revived Beta 0.5

Click the box saying Select and choose Hostile Space Revived Beta 0.5.


6. Close Hostile Space Revived Beta 0.5

Close the game.

7. Restart Discord

Restart discord.

8. Start Hostile Space Revived Beta 0.5

Start the game.